Defence against the dark arts


9.25 am           Opening of symposium

Chair: Kasia Lewis (Director of OIBC)

9.30 am           Carol Leung (The Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of Oxford): Immunotherapy: a breakthrough in cancer treatment

10.10 am         Breakout discussions: separate groups of students will discuss the talk

10.30 am Return to auditorium seating; spokespersons put questions to Carol Leung on behalf of their group.

10.50 – 11.20 Break

11.20 am.        Sean Elias (Post Doctoral Scientist & Public Engagement with Research Leader, Jenner Institute): Immune diversity: Why we respond differently to vaccination

12.00 noon     Breakout discussions: separate groups of students will discuss the talk

12.20 pm         Return to auditorium seating; spokespersons put questions to Sean Elias on behalf of their group.

12.40 pm         General debate

1. 00 pm          End of Symposium


03 Feb 2023


All Day


Little Heath School